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Co. Writers

Working with other artists allows "online visual identity" to create and think critically about alternative new ways that identity could be expressed through items or objects as identity markers.


Fashion experts have therefore been given the opportunity to share some of their thought on the many ways, that a persona can be expressed, not only through avatars but though leisure markers/labels and use different social media and personal brands as new labels to their perceived Identity value. 


- Here scholars are analysing identities and their ways to expressions. These anglæes can sometimes be hard to tackle from only one minds perspective, therefore, more minds = more critical Enlightenments) which helps artists to share, expand and evolve their knowledge, as tools whiting the field of understanding individuals and companies.


This "behind the scenes" operation explores companies and peoples decisionmaking and allows artists to examen the field of expression with multiple minds.

Izabella Andersen

Age: 23 

Job: Fashion Student 


My name is Izabella and I am 23 years old. I am pursuing an education in design culture and economics at SDU Kolding, focusing on fashion and its importance in society. I am interested in exploring how sustainable fashion does not have to be boring and that there are ways to enjoy colours and glitter without harming the environment.


Besides my interest in Design and Fashion, I also have a great interest in the gastronomic world. I work as a waitress in two different French restaurants in my hometown, where we often arrange events with new seasonal menus and wine every month.


Michele Custovic

Age: 22


Job: Fashion student and working part time in a tailor shop



I am a 22-year-old student enrolled on Design culture and Economics on the university of SDU.


I work at a tailor: what we do is reconstruct people’s clothes, so it fits better, recycle old clothes into new, repairs etc. Instead of contributing to overconsumption of clothes, this way it is possible to keep clothes for longer and make things more customized and special.

I have a passion for exploring fashion and its systems. Furthermore, how do these systems work and are they able to incorporate things like sustainability, influencers etc? Or are these just another asset that is used to improve companies’ images.

I want to enlighten and explore this area in order to provide more knowledge and hopefully push more companies to think about sustainability and possibly reinvent or improve fashion systems.

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