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IRL Collaborations 

Collaboration Mission

In a world where identities are being expressed through fashion tools, the possibilities in expression have become limitless and the boundaries are nowhere to find. Not even online or in real life has the society managed to restrain people and brands imagination to how consumption and symbolic values can be defined, and the world is therefore filled wits identity markers.

Throughout the blogs, we are tackling questionable labels/markers: "Ethic", "equal and eco" & "sustainability".

In a limitless market with constantly new entrepreneurs trying to rethink the fashion industry into objects positioned as identity markers, the Web page "Online visual identity" has created a sub-area to help enlighten how social media platforms and product labels are washing their trends, as "green, equal, ethical & etc".


Since people often are captivated into wanting these labels as an identifier to their identification.
- Our mission is, therefore "how should people be critical of these markers and rethink their symbolic values compared to their desired perceived identity. And how can you as a consumer "searching for makers/labels" still consume and act responsibly according to that new knowledge (whatever if it is an IRL Produkt ore a skin for your avatar or other social media perceptions.


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